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Мы объединяем людей в стремлении познать духовные истины, запечатленные в Писаниях, на основе современных богословских знаний, достижений гуманитарных и естественных наук. 

The Shalom Center Minnesota is a non-profit, educational and faith-based organization that provides outreach and resources to people and families who are searching for spiritual guidance, or walking through the dark valleys of their life. You will not be left alone in your journey. Come and have your life fulfilled!

It sets the foundation for strong communities in the Twin Cities. We are dedicated to the advancement of our mission through education, spiritual devotion, and other beneficial activities to the community. We organize regular meetings so that everyone can participate.


Пятница: 19:30 - 21:00

Суббота: 14:00 - 18:00

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3510 Williston Rd
Minnetonka, 55345 USA


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